CONGRATULATIONS! You have joined a great team. Ocean Athletics is one of BC’s largest track & field clubs and we have a strong reputation for developing athletes that are well rounded and good citizens. YOU’RE IN GOOD HANDS! There is a lot to know about the club, so read on! We have detailed the basics below and our website has lots of good information. If you can’t find what you need, EMAIL!
An Ocean Athletics membership is excellent value. This is what’s included:
Access to all age group appropriate training and resources for the calendar year registered.
A competition singlet (t-shirt for Seahorse & Starfish).
Free entry to all Ocean Athletics hosted competitions (see COMPETITIONS below).
Limited paid entry to all Ocean Athletics supported competitions hosted by other clubs (see COMPETITIONS below).
A RFID key chain FOB used for attendance. Please secure it to an item that always comes to training.
Being part of a team means working together. We expect all Ocean athletes will:
Be ready to start training on time (recommend arriving 10 minutes early).
Listen to coaches and follow instructions.
Give their best effort during each training session.
Be a good team member by being positive and encouraging others.
Manage themselves appropriately in a structured training environment.
Athletes that do not meet these expectations may not be a good fit for Ocean Athletics programs.
Ocean Athletics is a big club with a lot happening. This is how we communicate with our members:
Through the Ocean Athletics website, email, Instagram and the OCEAN RELAY.
The OCEAN RELAY, our e-newsletter, is distributed by email every 2nd Wednesday by 7:00am. It contains important training, event and competition information…please read it!
To contact the club about general administrative or competition issues, please EMAIL.
To speak with your athlete’s coach about training, please attend the track after training. If you can’t make it to the track, please EMAIL.
Training is what makes us stronger, faster and more skilled. Getting comfortable being uncomfortable is how our athletes are successful. Here’s what you need to know:
Training in 2025 is from January 11 to July 26 and September 13 to December 13.
We train at the South Surrey Athletic Park Track & Field Facility (14600 block 20 Ave).
The schedule is posted HERE.
Training groups may leave the track to train in nearby trails or grass fields.
We train in all safe weather conditions. Training is cancelled in extreme and/or unsafe conditions.
Training updates and cancellations are posted on the homepage, in the bottom middle under “TRAINING SCHEDULE UPDATES”.
Unless otherwise posted, training is ON during holidays.
Athletes are not required to attend all training sessions. However, athletes are encouraged to attend frequently and consistently. It comes as no surprise that athletes that attend regularly achieve the most improvement and realize the best value from their membership.
Athletes are not required to notify their coach if they are not attending a session. However, we do ask athletes to let their coach know when they will be away for an extended period.
If your athlete is injured or not well, and can’t fully participate in training, please keep them home until they have recovered.
All programs are designed to align with the ATHLETICS CANADA LONG TERM ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT model.
Being prepared is part of being a successful athlete. And being prepared includes having the right gear. Here are some requirements and recommendations:
Athletes must attend training in appropriate athletic clothing for the weather conditions.
Athletes that arrive under dressed will be sent home for their own comfort and safety.
Athletic clothing must be of the appropriate size and style to allow comfortable movement in a variety of activities (running, throwing, jumping).
Athletes must wear appropriate running shoes that are in good condition. Leisure style street shoes, such as Vans and Keds, are not appropriate. If you need help finding proper shoes, please see our friends at PEN RUN.
We are excited to meet you at the track! Get started on the right foot by arriving early to find parking (near the traffic circle in the 14600 block of 20 Ave) and locate your athlete’s meeting spot (detailed below). To stay safe, walk in lane 8 whenever on the track and always look both ways before crossing. Group coaches, meeting spots and gathering times are listed below for each program:
COACHES: Ted & senior HS athletes
MEETING SPOT: By the 2 green sheds in the southwest corner of the track.
TIME: 6:20pm Mondays & Thursdays
COACHES: Meagan & Shannon
MEETING SPOT: At the bottom of the hill near the 100m start.
TIME: 5:50pm Mondays & Thursdays, 9:50am Saturdays
2016: Mo & Richard
2015: Pete & Irina
2014: Jon & Ryan
2013: Philip & Sean
2012: John & Alysha
MEETING SPOT: By your age group sign on the metal bleachers by the 2 green sheds in the southwest corner of the track.
TIME: 5:50pm Mondays & Thursdays, 9:50am Saturdays
Middle Distance: Ted, Jay, Charlene
Sprints, Hurdle, Jumps: Sharon, Neil, Ed, Landon
Throws: Dave
High Jump: Jeannie
Pole Vault: Cayden
MEETING SPOT: By the 2 green sheds in the southwest corner of the track.
TIME: 4:50pm Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:50am Saturdays
We train to compete. Competing is encouraged because it’s fun and a great way for our athletes to show off the hard work they have been doing. Here are some important details:
Ocean Athletics is a competitive track & field club. However, members are not required to compete.
Competition opportunities are available for Junior Development and older athletes. Seahorses and Starfish may participate in select Track Rascal (Lollipop Races) events when they are offered.
Athletes may compete for free in all Ocean Athletics hosted track & field meets and cross country competitions.
Select entry fees are paid for supported meets. Please note that athletes are required to repay the club for paid entry fees if they don’t compete in the event(s) or fail to withdraw from it(them) by the withdrawal deadline.
Track & Field competitions, event schedules, and registration links are posted HERE.
Cross Country competitions, event schedules, and registration links are posted HERE.
Athletes are required to register themselves for competitions using the links provided above. Please consult the posted event schedules before registering.
Volunteering is the cornerstone of Ocean Athletics’ success. It’s how we work together to support our athletes by using track & field to foster healthy habits for life. Here are the volunteering basics:
All members are required to volunteer a minimum of 6 hours during the calendar year. Those members that cannot meet this requirement must pay the $200 Volunteer Fee.
Volunteer activities are established by the club and are designed to benefit the growth and management of Ocean Athletics. Volunteer opportunities are generally events based (meet hosting).
Volunteering helps us provide local competition opportunities for our athletes while keeping membership fees low.
Volunteer hours may be completed by high school aged athletes or by their family members (parents, close relatives, guardians, teenage siblings).
Volunteer opportunities and registration links are listed HERE.
Having Ocean Athletics gear is part of the experience! You can feel good in knowing that you are purchasing quality gear at reasonable prices. Here are the basics:
Gear is purchased in person at the track on select dates.
Available gear, prices, and sale dates are posted HERE.
Markup on clothing and gear is less than 15% (only to cover costs).
Buying Ocean Athletics gear is not required to participate.
There is a lot to know! Here are some quick helpful links to get you to the information you need: